Click here to see last week’s puzzle again–or to try it one last time before peeking at the answers.
The key to answering last week’s puzzle lay in the lyrics to each of the songs on the list. Each one namechecks (totally by accident) a game designed by one of the designers.
So for example, Andreas Pelikan designed Witches Brew, a phrase contained in the lyrics to “Ready or Not” by the Fugees. Andreas Seyfarth designed San Juan, sung tauntingly in the lyrics to “America” in the musical West Side Story. And so forth.
How many did you find? The answers are below:
Andreas Pelikan | g) Ready or Not (Witches Brew) |
Andreas Seyfarth | a) America (San Juan) |
Dan Hallagan | i) Tea in the Sahara (Obsession) |
Friedemann Friese | c) Crocodile Rock (Friday) |
Inka & Markus Brand | k) The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Village) |
Ludovic Roudy, Bruno Sautter | m) Two Hearts (Just One) |
Mac Gerdts | j) The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (Imperial) |
Marc André | l) Town Cryer (Splendor) |
Martin Wallace | b) Blitzkrieg Bop (Steam) |
Michael Kiesling | e) Proud Mary (Riverboat) |
Prospero Hall | h) Speak Now (Horrified) |
Reiner Knizia | f) Put On (My City) |
Uwe Rosenberg | d) Once (Indian Summer) |
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