The Daily Worker Placement

Thursday, March 13, 2025

WHAT HAVE WE BEEN PLAYING – October 15th, 2020

by | published Thursday, October 15, 2020

We’re back with another roundup of games played from the week previous! Before we check in with the DWP crew, let’s look at another list of BoardGameGeek’s most played games from September. Looking way back into the past, let’s see which games have seen the most table time that are at least 25 years old…

  1. Magic: The Gathering (First published: 1993, Plays: 3606)
  2. Can’t Stop (First published: 1980, Plays: 2850)
  3. 6 nimmt! (First published: 1994, Plays: 1920)
  4. Chess (First “published”: 1475, Plays: 1802)
  5. Crokinole (First “published”: 1876: Plays: 1578)
  6. Catan (First published: 1995, Plays: 1544)
  7. UNO (First published: 1971, Plays: 1290)
  8. Yahtzee (First published: 1956, Plays: 786)
  9. Rummikub (First published: 1977, Plays: 767)
  10. Cribbage (First “published”: 1630, Plays: 653)

According to BGG players, it looks like very few titles have maintained traction before the arrival of Catan. Are there any surprises on this list? Let us know on social media!

Now let’s glance at the surprises that our lovely DWP writers have discovered…


The game that has seen the most play at my home over the last week is Calico from Flatout Games and AEG. It’s a delightful abstract game that is elevated by the gorgeous artwork of Beth Sobel, and incredible production quality. Look for a full review to drop on Little Thumbs, Big Thumbs later this week!


My copy of Wavelength arrived today, and we gave the co-op play rules a whirl after dinner.


I gave some laminated sheets for Trails of Tucana to friends and then we played over video chat! It’s a great flip & write, and enjoyable follow-up to Avenue (from the same designers). We also played MetroX! Roll and writes definitely seem to be a good one to play this way right now.


Since we’re a bit light on the play reports this week, I wanted to pop back in with another game that has been hitting our table frequently – Color It! from HABA. Essentially, this is a roll and write for children, with colouring being the key element. It’s been a hit with the children of my After School Club, and I’d love to see the game expanded to be something that adults could dig their claws into as well!

Thank you for joining us for another roundup of games played at our tables. For yet another rundown of a game we’re enjoying, check out Sean J’s review of Project L from earlier in the week!


  • David W.

    David is the Managing Editor of the DWP. He learned chess at the age of five and has been playing tabletop games ever since. His collection currently consists of about 600 games, which take up way too much space. His game "Odd Lots" won the inaugural TABS Game Design Contest in 2008. He is currently Managing Editor of The Daily Worker Placement. All in all he's pretty smug about his knowledge of games and game design.

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