Each year since 2013, Jamey Stegmaier (game designer, business brains behind Stonemaier Games, and Kickstarter superstar) runs a charity auction on Board Game Geek. Jamey reaches out to 10 board game media creators he’d like to shine the spotlight on, assigns an auction item to them, and asks them to nominate a charity for the auction money to go to. Simple as that! We were blown away when Jamey reached out to us to see if we wanted to take part. We said yes in a heartbeat, of course.
Jamey’s upcoming legacy game Charterstone is a hot commodity, and that – plus a bundle of awesome stuff – is what’s up for auction this year. As an incredible bonus, Stonemaier Games will be matching the winning bid for each of the 10 auctions (up to $500 each) – so let’s get the bids up there for the Daily Worker Placement bundle, friends – you have until November 5th! What will you get for your winning bid?
Where will the proceeds for our item go? Well, it was pretty easy for us to pick Path of Play, a local Toronto charity. Spearheaded by Mike and Carmela Primeau, Path of Play‘s mandate is to create inclusive gaming environments for kids with special needs, and to assist families through a subsidy program that require a private resource for autism therapy. Says Mike, “I have come to realize through personal experience, the role that many forms of gaming can play in building understanding and empathy… it is what our slogan ‘Let’s play…..together’ stems from.”
Aside from knowing Mike, Carmela, and Luke personally, the DWP team really love the practice of using games as a way to form connections and aid development. As gamers, we know the benefits everyone can experience from the hobby, but it’s particularly evident with children with special needs. Games have a magical power, and we can see that power at work in the projects of Path of Play. We’ll also be taking part in the first annual Path of Play Day on April 28th 2018, and you can donate to our team – the Game Changers! Learn more about Path of Play in the video below – and thanks for your support.
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