The Daily Worker Placement

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

2022 Holiday Contest Answers and Winner(s)!

by | published Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Sorry for the delay in posting this, folx. Life has just been…life, lately. But I’m hoping to make up for it by announcing that we have two winners: Dave T (who submitted before the original deadline) and Joe N (who submitted after the extension). Luckily, I have two copies of Zurmat to give away!

I’m quite proud of the meta for this puzzle. It took a hella effort to work backwards to (a) come up with six games that could be split and anagrammed into pairs of words–each of which could then take one of the letters of the final answer to make twelve new words, and then (b) clue those six pairs into the grid so they crossed each other. Not to mention making as many of the clues as possible at least tangentially boardgame-related…

All of which is to say: huzzah to Dave and Joe for figuring it all out.

The finished grid was:

Solution grid to 2022 Holiday Puzzle variety cryptic crossword


1. c + h + (in a) (anag)

5. boredom – or (anag) + y

10. EU Triv (hidden rev)

11. MU + Ron (anag)

12. SC + rabble

14. be + au

15. (th)e + (errat)a + (i)s + y

16. plan(et)

19. desTINies

20. hip to me (anag)

22. s(t)ing

23. pa + Enid (anag)

25. scam + P.I.

27. sabotaged – got (anag)

29. w + (fire – f) anag

30. man + hat + tan

35. i + p + o

36. reve(a)l

38. w(r + e)n

39. ap + Arlo (anag)

40. lock + ET

42. shoot – t

43. ne(u)ters 

44. blood rage – oo (anag)

45. “peaks” of d(oubtful) o(rigin) d(on’t) g(et) y(et)


    1. double defintion

    2. (cors)airs

    3. c(ray)on

    4. ru(bl)e

    5. Lee (rev)

    6. bugbear – gear

    7. on(E)time

    8. drain(pip)e 

    9. G(uno)Y (rev)

    11. men + sch(ool)

    13. camera – Ra

    17. peas (anag)

    18. p(R)awn

    21. teem – m

    23. pa(M)pa’s

    24. i(A)n

    26. noir (anag) + Y

    28. s(he)lob

    31. phalanx – n – x (anag)

    32. ava(i)l

    33. turn (homophone)

    34. al(o)ud

    35. ir(K)ed

    36. moor (rev)

    37. s(quad) + led

    41. enERGy

    The six games formed by the anagrams were:

    1. chan + rayon = ANACHRONY
    2. sing + pawn = WINGSPAN
    3. pined + cam = PANDEMIC
    4. revel + led = EVERDELL
    5. Locke + iron = CROKINOLE
    6. gabled + Roo = BLOOD RAGE

    And finally, the twelve “superfluous” letters at the crossing points: I,C, T, R, E, A, A, S, T, Y, R, M can be rearranged into TERRA MYSTICA, the final answer to the puzzle.

    Kudos to all who entered, and I look forward to cooking up something new and fiendish this summer.

    Meanwhile, next week will be my turn to belatedly look back on 2022. See you then, and until then, don’t


    • David W.

      David is the Managing Editor of the DWP. He learned chess at the age of five and has been playing tabletop games ever since. His collection currently consists of about 600 games, which take up way too much space. His game "Odd Lots" won the inaugural TABS Game Design Contest in 2008. He is currently Managing Editor of The Daily Worker Placement. All in all he's pretty smug about his knowledge of games and game design.

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