The Daily Worker Placement

Thursday, February 27, 2025

What Have We Been Playing?

by | published Thursday, December 31, 2020

In just a few hours, 2020 will finally be behind us. What a mess of a year. Let’s talk about the games we played one more time before the calendar turns over!


After weeks and weeks of mentioning BoardGameArena to my parents, they finally took the leap and signed up to play. We started off nice and easy with a game of Can’t Stop. While setting up our second game, my mother asked “who is Ivan the Worse”? Turns out, she had stumbled into a game without me, playing against the villainous viking duo of Ivan and Big Boy Braden. To her credit, she played out the entire game against them, and no doubt earned their respect!


I finally got to play Eclipse, 2nd Edition this past weekend. I absolutely love space exploration/combat games and this is the king of that subgenre. And now it’s even easier to play. With great resource wheels, snappy pieces, and player holders for all their ships and chits, Eclipse is much easier to unpack and play. However, it doesn’t make it any easier to remember to take a picture once the 8th round has ended and we resolved combat. What I will tell you is and will always be true: KIM ALWAYS GOES FOR THE CENTER! You’ve all been warned.


Continuing along with my primarily online gaming, I tried out Isle of Skye on Steam. I have played the tile placement, auction game several times before and was underwhelmed. The online implementation is solid, with a good tutorial for those that haven’t played the game before. I am still not sold on the game itself though.

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I received Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps for Giftmas, and took it for a spin yesterday. I only played solo, to get the rules under my belt, and I’m glad I did, as the rulebook is very pretty garbage, and much reading of the FAQ and BGG forums were required to get things right.


What were your Giftmas games? Let us know! We hope you have the chance to play a few more games before we stumble into January, and the glimmers of hope that are appearing in the distance. Happy New Year, everyone!


  • DWP Staff

    The DWP staff plays all the games, loves all the games, and welcomes all the gamers--except those who fall under Popper's Intolerance Paradox.

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