The Daily Worker Placement

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

What Have We Been Playing: July 9, 2020

by | published Thursday, July 9, 2020

So much of the fun of tabletop gaming are the moments that happen on the fly, bringing up flashes of joy, frustration, and elation. For us at the Daily Worker Placement, it can be just as fun to look back at recent gaming experiences and recalling those moments in written form! Join us as we look back at our highlights from the last week of board gaming goodness!

Billy C:

Much to my joy, this week I got A Feast for Odin back to the table. While I’ve never sat down and formally made a list, Feast easily is in my top 5 games of all time, so playing it again is always exciting.

I think the game is the best of what Uwe has done. The worker placement options are well crafted and interesting – the point salad and paths to victory are exciting – and the polyomino puzzle solving is exquisite.

I absolutely love that I can continue to play this game and attempt different strategies. The occupation cards in the game give you bonuses for certain choices, and being able to build a new strategy each time you play rocks. This week I tried a building heavy food generation strategy – getting lots of linghouses and filling them with beans and pigs! The game is endlessly enjoyable.

(To read David W’s designer spotlight on Uwe Rosenberg, click here!)

Kimberly T:

I’ve been playing Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion with a team of 3 players. I love Gloomhaven and have Kickstartered for Frosthaven, so getting back into the story and lore with 4 new characters is super exciting. I love the streamlined feel of the game and how easy it is to set up the board: it’s a spiral notebook that just opens up and tells you where to set the monsters and has unique and beautiful artwork. The game starts super basic with many of the rules saved for later games as it eases beginner role players into the system. I love my character: The Demolitionist. She’s so powerful, but moreover, I love the combination style of play with the other two players I’m gaming with. I can’t wait to see where our adventure takes us.

Matthew R:

I got into some online games of Downforce and Dice Forge on Board Game Arena. I’ve had my problems with Downforce in the past and figured I should give it another shot. It still has a runaway leader problem in my opinion. I love Dice Forge but found playing it online took away from the enjoyment I get from actually forging and rolling the dice.

(Read Nicole H’s 2017 article on Downforce by clicking here!)

Jon-Paul D:

My love affair with the deck building dynamo Dale of Merchants continued last week, as I not only introduced the game to a handful of friends, but I also picked up the standalone sequel. I’m impressed and amazed at the way the tone of the game changes with every combination of Animalfolk included! The variety of play styles really makes this a game that can be brought out for any mix of personalities, so long as you don’t have more than 4 players at the table.

David W:

I’ll admit it: I’m getting back into Dominion after a loooooong hiatus (after Prosperity came out in…2010 apparently). It just kinda jumped the shark for me and I moved on to games where deckbuilding was used more thematically. But now because of the Corona, I’ve reactivated my account and am enjoying getting to know all the new cards and mechanisms. I play completely rando against Lord Rattington, and there are some pretty cool combos that come up. I gave away (!) all my cards and don’t feel tempted to reacquire them, but I would definitely play ftf once social closening happens.

Scott M:

Daniel got Coco and I playing Dice Forge on BGA this week. I’d assumed the LEGO dice gimmick was all it had going on, but I absolutely loved the quick gameplay, low downtime, and many paths to victory. I imagine it gets even better when you can play with the clipping dice….

(Click here to read Sean J’s full article from 2017 covering Dice Forge!) 

Steve T:

I’ve been playing a lot of an older classic, 6 Nimmt (aka 6 Qui Prends, Take Five, etc). It predates Catan by a year, and is a delightfully nasty hand management & anti-trick taking game. It’s been one of Nicole H’s favourites for as long as I’ve known her, but I’ve only come to appreciate it in the past couple of years. 4-6 players is the sweet spot for me, but it supports player counts from 2-10!

Sean J:

It took Board Game Arena to introduce me to the deceptively mean Coloretto. It is one of the best chameleon-based set collection games out there. Players take turns either adding a new coloured card to a row (up to three), or taking an entire row of cards. The goal is to focus on only three colours. Any more than that and you’ll start to acquire negative points. It is a delicate dance of pushing your luck and screwing over the competition, all in a game that’s over in about 20 minutes.

And that concludes another look back at our recent gaming encounters! As always, we also want to know what YOU are playing too – let us know on Facebook and Twitter!


  • Jon-Paul D.

    Originally from London, Ontario and now based in Nova Scotia, Jon-Paul spent the bulk of his adult life training and working as a professional opera singer both in Canada, and around the world. However, while singing in the back roads of Indiana, JP was lured into a game of Catan, and everything changed! Now a full-blown board game addict, JP spends many an evening converting friends into gaming foes, all while leaving bread crumbs for his two young daughters to find along the way to the house of board gaming bonbons!

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